A Note on Visitors

I have another visitor! As I mentioned in my last post, my boyfriend, Dana, is visiting for the next couple of weeks. We have some awesome trips planned to Prague, Dublin and Edinburgh (again, thank goodness for three weeks of vacation time), and he'll be hanging out here in Dusseldorf with me during the few days that I have to work.

Having visitors is always super fun, because you get to show them around your new city, get to have them experience your new life abroad, and have a great excuse to travel. But (and no offense, Dana, I know you're reading this), visitors can also be a bit stressful, and a bit of work.

First off, having Dana here is making me realize how little I know about Dusseldorf. I'm starting to feel like an expert about the city, even though I've only been here like three months, but when it comes to making suggestions of things for him to do while I'm at work, I'm kind of lost. I did some intense TripAdvisor research before he got here so I'd feel at least somewhat prepared as a host. Luckily, he's pretty laid back, so I haven't really had to whip out my list of super fun tourist attractions yet.

Also, since I'm typically alone here, I also don't really know any good restaurants to eat at! I had this same issue when my mom and brother and cousin were here at the beginning of March, but now it's even more apparent. Going on a date night is always nice, but, again, I'm relying on TripAdvisor and OpenTable to guide me. My coworkers are always great with food suggestions too, but many of them don't live directly in Dusseldorf.

Long story short, having Dana here has made me realize I need to get out more! As I had mentioned in an earlier post, I love being able to use my time as I see appropriate, but while he's here, I'd love to explore the city more together. Eat at some yummy restaurants, see some museums, and basically do the things I kept pushing off while I was alone.

I have also realized that there was a big adjustment back to having constant companionship. In Boston I am always with friends, sorority sisters, classmates, someone! But here I've gotten really used to having quiet time alone to veg out after work, and just be done with my day when I get home from work. Again, PLEASE don't write me off for being boring while abroad. Let me remind you, I'm here for a whole year!! But, now that Dana's here, I'm getting used to having someone to joke and laugh with after work, share stories from my day, and generally just getting used to someone else being around. Neither situation is good or bad, but I really just didn't realize how used to being alone I was. It's making me wonder how my transition back to Boston is going to be...

And my last thought on visitors, which is kind of the exact opposite of my last point, THANK GOD! As used to being alone as I was, THANK GOD for another native English speaker, someone I've known for more than three months, and someone I am completely comfortable around. For the millionth time, I like being here in Dusseldorf, and the positive change from last semester in Reutlingen is definitely noticeable, but wow I missed having a familiar face around.

Luckily, lots of friends and family will be around during these last three months. Dana's visit is overlapped by my dad, stepmom and brother visiting, which is followed by a potential visit to my cousin who'll be studying in Spain, followed by a visit from friends from high school, followed by another weekend trip to Prague to visit some friends from Boston. Truthfully, I am so lucky to be having this experience, and being able to share it with the people I love!!

Stay tuned for a more exciting update next week about Prague!


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