My Friends are Here!

It'll be a quick one this week, as honestly not that much has happened since I last wrote.

First off, another holiday! 👌 Germany is overloaded with days off between February and June, but now they don't have any more until October. I'll conveniently be headed back to the US right when our major days-off-season is about to start. So last Thursday was another religious holiday that no one seems to realllllly know what it is when I ask, but in any case, it was a day off.

Over the weekend I didn't do much, and God am I enjoying that feeling. I know that when I get back to NEU I'll be overloaded with homework and classes and sorority obligations and working two jobs (in a failed attempt to get to a co-op level of money), so I am really taking in these days of doing nothing.

I should also probably note that I'm still here for another month. Most co-ops end at the end of June, because co-ops typically last one normal semester (either fall or spring) and then half of the summer (either the summer I or summer II semester). However, since I studied abroad at a German university last semester (fall 2016), my co-op schedule got thrown off a bit, as the fall semester didn't end until the end of January. Meaning I started my co-op in February and I'm done at the end of July (aka six months later). So I'm still working a normal six month co-op, and my residence permit isn't going to expire, everything is just skewed by a month.

Now that we got that cleared up, let's talk about how stressed I am about getting all my crap home in a month! I have somehow acquired so many things over my time here, it's insane. I started last August with a large suitcase, a large duffel and a backpack. Now I am sending home a brand new, packed to the brim suitcase with my friends when they leave on Sunday, I've already sent a few things home with my family when they visited, I've already shipped a small box of things home, and I'm still concerned about getting things home 😅

Long story short, co-op abroad tip: Be really picky about what you bring over (what you ask your parents to ship you over), and what you buy while you're abroad. The amount of money I'm spending to physically move my things from one location to another is ungodly.

But back to the exciting stuff. My friends are here!! I picked up my friends Erin and Ali (friends from high school) at the airport yesterday afternoon and we spent the day wandering around Dusseldorf, drinking beers, and eating currywurst and gelato. A very German afternoon if I do say so myself. It's pretty cool to be able to show them around where I've been living, have them be in Germany in general (parts of their families both immigrated to the US from Germany), and be able to catch up with them too!

More adventures are to be had tonight and throughout the rest of the week, including our trip to Berlin starting tomorrow evening!! I'm really excited because I've been saving this trip for when they came, so I haven't been to Berlin and I've been living in Germany for nearly 10 months now!! Insane, I know.

Well, off to go eat and gossip (like anyone expected otherwise). Bis später!


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